For the last few years, Coleman Canada has lead the charge to rally all Canadians to Get Outside, leaving distractions behind and to appreciate the beauty that Canada has to offer! This year, Coleman Canada declares July 14, 2017 as National Get Outside Day – a day dedicated to exploring this wonderful country and celebrating what it means to be Canadian!
As our lives continue to get busier, Canadians are finding it more and more difficult to make the time to get out and enjoy the outdoors. With 64 per cent of Canadians spending two hours or less per week doing recreational activities outdoorsi, Coleman Canada believes it is time for change. Coleman Canada founded Get Outside Day in 2014, as an effort to encourage Canadians to leave the digital distractions behind and appreciate the beauty Canada has to offer. Today, Coleman Canada remains committed to making Get Outside Day an even greater movement by inspiring Canadians to take the opportunity to spend time outdoors with friends and family. This year, Coleman Canada declares July 14, 2017 as National Get Outside Day and wants all Canadians to get outside to celebrate!
For over 100 years Coleman has been a part of many memorable moments in the great outdoors, and is encouraging Canadians to make even more memories this summer. There are many ways to get outside this summer, big or small. Whether it be a picnic at a local park, a backyard BBQ, swimming at the beach or heading to your favourite campsite, Coleman will continue to help Canadians preserve, encourage and champion the cause to Get Outside.
Let’s G.O.!
iOutdoor Report, Maru/Matchbox, Prepared for Coleman, April 2017

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